150+ Free Casper Practice Questions

This question bank contains 150+ example questions to practice for the 2025 Casper test. The questions are interactive, allowing you to answer in a format that simulates the real Casper. We offer one free review, which includes a quartile score and feedback on how to improve your answer. All types of Casper questions are represented: personal questions, situational questions, text-based questions, and audio-based scenarios (in lieu of video scenarios). The example questions cover all Casper themes, such as equity, ethics, communication, etc. Happy studying!

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QuestionTypeThemeAnswerSaved answers




















Unlock 150+ Free Practice Questions

Access the ultimate sample Casper question bank, with all types of questions and free answer reviews, including grading and feedback.

Text & audio questions

Situational & personal questions

Question & answer simulator

One free review, with grade & feedback

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Thanks to casperpractice.org, I felt extremely prepared going into my test and ended up scoring in the top quartile!! The practice questions are a goldmine and the feedback is sooo helpful. I'm happy I found it!

Jana applying to medical school


Applying to Medical School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions about the Casper test and our practice question bank. If you have a question that is not answered here, please reach out to us in the chat or at [email protected].

What is the Casper test?

The Casper test (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) is an admissions test used by many medical and health sciences programs to assess non-cognitive skills such as ethics, empathy, communication, and professionalism. It involves responding to various scenarios through typed or video responses.

What is CasperPractice?

We are a website that uses AI to help students become Casper-ready faster and more affordably than traditional tutoring. Our mission is to ensure that all students have access to the same opportunities for success in their career, regardless of their background.

Is this question bank free?

Yes, our question bank is entirely free to use. You can access a wide range of practice questions and scenarios and answer them in an interface that simulates the real Casper. Our free plan even offers one free review per day! Learn more about reviews below...

Are these questions similar to the real Casper questions?

Our practice questions are designed to mirror the types of scenarios and questions you will encounter on the actual Casper test. While we cannot replicate the exact questions, our scenarios are designed to reflect the test's format and content closely. The only difference between our questions and the real Casper is that we use audio scenarios, whereas the real Casper has video scenarios.

What types of questions are included in the question bank?

Our question bank features a range of personal and situational questions in both text and audio formats. These questions are carefully designed to simulate the types of scenarios you will encounter on the Casper test. While the question bank may not include videos like on the real Casper, our text and audio questions are highly effective for honing your skills and preparing for the real test.

What types of answers do you accept to practice questions?

In the free plan, only text answers can be saved or submitted for a daily free review. Video responses and unlimited reviews are available in paid plans.

What are Casper themes?

Sometimes called competencies or constructs, Casper themes refer to the underlying topics and skills that the Casper test aims to evaluate. There are a total of ten themes: collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethics, motivation, problem solving, professionalism, resilience, and self-awareness. Understanding these themes is crucial for performing well on the test.

What is an answer review?

An answer review consists of an instantly generated quartile grade and a detailed evaluation of your responses to a practice question. Our system provides feedback on all relevant aspects of your answer - highlighting strengths, areas to be cautious of, and missing elements to help you enhance your performance.

How are the reviews generated?

The reviews are generated using sophisticated artificial intelligence AI models. These models are trained on information that is publicly available about the Casper, a vast dataset of responses to practice questions, and in collaboration with domain experts and students who have previously achieved 4th quartile Casper scores. These AI models evaluate answers based on specific criteria directly aligned with what is known about the Casper test's grading scheme.

How accurate are the reviews?

Our reviews are generally highly accurate and reliable, and we are constantly improving the accuracy of our AI models as we gather more response data.

How many reviews can I receive?

With our free plan, you can receive one review per day. Our paid plans offer unlimited reviews, including reviews on video answers, allowing you to get more comprehensive feedback on multiple responses and accelerate your preparation.

What are the benefits of paid plans

Paid plans offer premium features, like unlimited answer reviews, reviews on video answers, and the ability to see saved answers. We are constantly working on enhancing our paid offering and are currently working on deeper analytical insights into your responses.