Say hello to a
4th quartile Casper score

The #1 Casper test practice toolkit

Representative questions, including audio scenarios

Instant quartile grading and detailed feedback

Video answers, just like the real Casper

16,461 questions answered and graded for 1,829 happy students!


I scored in the top quartile and can confidently say that it's thanks to The practice scenarios were spot-on and the feedback was incredibly helpful. I would 100% recommend this site to anyone preparing for the Casper test!

Abdullah applying to medical school


Applying to Medical School

How it works

Personalized practice makes perfect

Learning the frameworks is easy. Applying them is hard. CasperPractice simulates test questions and reviews your responses - so you know exactly where to improve to get in the 4th quartile.

How it works


Person 1

Compared to tutoring

Flexible learning for a fraction of the cost

Enhance traditional tutoring or replace it altogether. Here’s why our customers choose us:


  • Affordable prices including a free plan

  • Instant quartile grade and feedback

  • Unlimited audio scenarios

  • Practice whenever, wherever

Traditional tutoring

  • Overpriced - up to $5,000+

  • Wait up to 5 days for feedback

  • Limited video scenarios

  • Hastle to schedule time with a tutor

Frequently asked questions

We've compiled a list of the most common questions we get asked. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

Can't I just use ChatGPT instead?

ChatGPT is a general purpose AI model that doesn't fully "understand" what makes for a good Casper answer, whereas CasperPractice is specifically trained to generate accurate quartile grades and feedback on answers. ChatGPT tends to score in the 2nd quartile on Casper questions, per our model. ChatGPT is also unable to generate audio scenarios or evaluate video responses.

What do you do with my videos?

The app converts your video responses to audio, then that audio gets sent to the AI model and gets transcribed to text, which is graded and evaluated. We keep the videos on file so that you can review your own answers, but don't do anything else with them (or with any of your personal data, for that matter).

Is this app free?

We do have a generous free plan that offers 150+ practice questions and one free daily review, which includes a quartile grade and detailed feedback on your answer! Our paid plans offer unlimited reviews and premium features like video answer reviews.

I’m skeptical of the quality of the AI - how can I try out the product first?

You can visit our free Casper practice question bank to get a sense of the quality of the AI. All of the questions there were generated by AI and you can get one free review of your answers per day.

Who is CasperPractice for?

CasperPractice is for anyone who is planning on taking the Casper test. This has typically meant pre-health students aspiring to enter medical school, dentistry school, nursing school, veterinary school, etc. However, the Casper test is constantly growing and being used in new domains!

What is the Casper test?

Per the Casper website, it is an open-response situational judgment test that measures aspects of your social intelligence and professionalism, like ethics, empathy, problem-solving and collaboration.

Get started now

Don't fear the Casper.