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4th Quartile Casper Score

Get 4th quartile Casper score - guaranteed

Practice with free practice questions and practice tests

Improve with instant quartile grading and performance feedback - even on video answers!

Get a 4th quartile score on your Casper test - guaranteed

Winter Sale! Save up to $80! See pricing for details.

Join 6,523 happy students who scored in the 4th quartile on the Casper test!


I scored in the top quartile and can confidently say that it's thanks to The practice scenarios were spot-on and the feedback was incredibly helpful. I would 100% recommend this site to anyone preparing for the Casper test!

Abdullah applying to medical school


Applying to Medical School

What you'll get

The one-stop shop to boost your score

Learning the strategies is easy. Applying them is hard. CasperPractice simulates test questions and reviews your responses - so you know exactly how to improve to get in the 4th quartile.

Unlimited Practice

Learn the ropes with individual practice questions or test your abilities with practice tests. All questions are representative of what you'll see on the real Casper test.

Realistic Casper Simulation

Practice in a fully simulated test environment. Answer text and video questions in the same format and time limits you'll face on test day.

Instant Feedback, Instant Improvement

Don't wait for results — get instant feedback and personalized grading that helps you improve faster and get closer to that 4th quartile.

Our products

Tools for each step of your journey

Practice Questions

Improve your skills quickly

  • 1
    Choose Your QuestionsSelect your next question depending on your improvement needs. Audio scenarios, video answers, personal questions - we have it all.
  • 2
    Flexible FormatGet timed without being cut off, so you can take notes and think through your answers.
  • 3
    Instant FeedbackGet detailed feedback and grading immediately after submitting your answer, so you can learn from your mistakes quickly.
Included in these plans:

Practice Tests

Test your skills in realistic conditions

  • 1
    Questions Chosen for YouPractice with the exact same number, type, and sequence of questions as the real Casper test.
  • 2
    Strict FormatNo pausing scenarios, no extra time, no take backs. Just like the real Casper test.
  • 3
    In-Depth Performance AnalysisAt the end, get a quartile grade and overall feedback that identifies trends in your answers, in addition to individual answer feedback.
Included in these plans:

Frequently asked questions

We've compiled a list of the most common questions we get asked. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

Can I just use ChatGPT instead?

ChatGPT is a general purpose AI model that doesn't fully "understand" what makes for a good Casper answer, whereas CasperPractice is specifically trained to generate accurate quartile grades and feedback on answers. ChatGPT tends to score in the 2nd quartile on Casper questions, per our model. ChatGPT is also unable to generate audio scenarios or evaluate video responses.

How does the 4th quartile guarantee work?

We guarantee that customers who have purchased paid CasperPractice plan and answered at least 40 practice questions will get a 4th quartile score on their Casper test. In the event that you meet these criteria but didn't get a 4th quartile score, you will be eligible for an extension of a free extension of plan you purchased for the period associated with that plan. So, for example, if you purchased a week-long plan but didn't get a 4th quartile score on your official Casper test, you can get another week for free at a time of your choosing. Documentation is required to be submitted to us for this guarantee to be valid.

What's the difference between the practice questions and practice tests?

The practice questions is a question bank - that is a collection of individual questions that you can practice with. Practice tests are a collection of questions that are designed to simulate the real Casper test. Since you get feedback right after your answer, practice questions are a great way to start and improve quickly. Once you're comfortable answering Casper questions, practice tests are a great way to test your knowledge and prepare for the real test, since practice tests more accurately simulate the real test conditions.

What do you do with my videos?

The app converts your video responses to audio, then that audio gets sent to the AI model and gets transcribed to text, which is graded and evaluated. We keep the videos on file so that you can review your own answers, but don't do anything else with them (or with any of your personal data, for that matter).

Is this app free?

We do have a generous free plan that offers 150+ practice questions that you can answer in a Casper simulator. It also offers one free review, which includes a quartile grade and detailed feedback on your answer! Our paid plans offer unlimited reviews and premium features like video answer reviews.

I’m skeptical of the quality of the AI - how can I try out the product first?

You can visit our free Casper practice questions to get a sense of the quality of the AI. All of the questions there were generated by AI and you can get one free review of your answers after signing up for a free plan.

Who is CasperPractice for?

CasperPractice is for anyone who is planning on taking the Casper test. This has typically meant pre-health students aspiring to enter medical school, dentistry school, nursing school, veterinary school, etc. However, the Casper test is constantly growing and being used in new domains!

What is the Casper test?

Per the Casper website, it is an open-response situational judgment test that measures aspects of your social intelligence and professionalism, like ethics, empathy, problem-solving and collaboration.

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Don't fear the Casper.